If you are a past guest seeking information on how to book directly, please review the following information and complete the contact form at the bottom of the page. We will send you information on how to request dates and complete your booking. If you have never stayed with us before, please visit Airbnb to book your stay.

  • We publish our availability for the calendar year during the first two weeks of every January. Guests who have signed up for Direct Booking opportunities will get a 3-day preview before the calendar is open to the public.
  • Direct booking guests must sign a short-term rental agreement in lieu of booking on Airbnb. 
  • Direct booking guests will be charged the nightly rate published on Airbnb for their requested dates.
  • Guests approved for direct booking are eligible for a 10% discount on the published Airbnb rate for any off-season stays of 5 days or more (January-May & October-December, excluding holiday weekends and Thanksgiving week).
  • Under Massachusetts and Fairhaven laws, guests will be subject to lodging taxes, just as on Airbnb. The estimated 2023 rate is 16.7% and includes taxes for the state of Massachusetts & Town of Fairhaven. The rate is subject to change based on legislative or regulatory adjustments by the state or town.
  • Our cleaning fee (approximately $200, depending on guest total and length of stay) is set by our cleaning company and will be added to your stay, just as on Airbnb.
  • Please do NOT message us on Airbnb to ask about direct booking.
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